Welcome Friend!

I’m so glad you’re here, really I am. I hope as you read through these posts you feel as if we’re sitting down with a warm drink, talking about life as children run around the house and yard. If you are here I imagine you are a mom, a worn-out one probably. Not worn out in only a physical sense but more worn out in your soul. You feel just a weight and burden to motherhood but you don’t want to. You are conflicted with the generational messages of how hard, awful, and lonely motherhood is. Yet your heart tells you that there is more! That motherhood can be so much more.

Well, friend, you’ve come to the right place because I’ve been there. As a young mom and wife, I fell for the lies that it’s all too hard. Don’t get me wrong, motherhood is hard. Marriage is hard. But the narrative that it’s Too hard and warrants constant negativity and complaints is wrong. That’s not the way God intended it to be.

Motherhood is an honor, a responsibility, and a privilege and God sees it as such! While living on this earth is hard, God created mankind to have and live in joy. He wants us to find true joy and happiness in our lives, and that includes in motherhood.

I once thought that I would forever dread being a mother and that I would always be negative and depressed. But God has softened and changed my heart to find the real joy of being a mother. It hasn’t been easy but it’s been worth it to walk with Him and learn how to fill my home with truth, goodness, and beauty.